Symptoms Of Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart does not pump blood as efficiently as it should and not always the necessary amount of blood to the organs of the body. Immediately after the 'efficiency of the heart down the organs do not receive the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients, and occur.Symptoms are symptoms of Congestive heart failure: edema, irregular or rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, wheezing,

nausea, coughing up phlegm that glows white blood loss of appetite or fluid retention, which translates into gain.Symptoms weight quickly are not always visible during rest, but will almost always show for a certain type of exercise. Exercise tends to cause an individual to become fatigued and dizzy. The blood pressure drops and the body tries to compensate for the volume of blood lost by setting off nervous and hormonal signals that are designed to increase blood volume, keeping the heart water.The also has a tendency to start a fight pace, while muscles become thick and extend the ventricles to allow more blood flow. This solves nothing, because there is still beating effectively enough to get the required amount of blood to the organs and heart failure tissues.Congestive may suddenly or gradually worsen over time. It is usually caused by some other medical condition or damage was caused to the heart. Some things that can lead to heart failure include: Infections in the heart, damage caused by heart attacks or surgery, congenital heart disease, constant high blood pressure, coronary heart disease or bad times valves.Many heart failure remains in the area for life and needs to be managed by a complete treatment plan from your doctor. And 'treatable with a combination of medication and, sometimes, surgery.If an underlying condition has led to the failure heart the key is to treat the underlying condition first. If this was indeed the failure of the heart, then sometimes you can fix. This can only happen if the heart does not receive any permanent damage.There are ways to help this condition, of course: Exercise: Just 30 minutes of exercise twice a week may reduce the risk of hospitalization or death in patients with heart failure, according to the study results presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology in March 2009. With more exercise, the advantage is even greater. Walking at a speed of 2 mph for 30 minutes a couple of times a week will make a difference.Supplements: There are a number of herbs and supplements that may have a beneficial effect on heart disease. I have listed some below. You can click on each for more information, but ultimately, the use of supplements should be done with the full knowledge and approval of your health care provider .* fish oils or eating cold water fish reduces the risk of heart rhythm disturbances and may reduce the risk of heart palpitations, atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmia's .* Vitamin D deficiency is associated with cardiac dysfunction, sudden cardiac death and death from heart failure. An association between vitamin D deficiency and heart is physiologically plausible because vitamin D is known to affect the contractility of the heart .* Arginine can prolong exercise capacity in patients with Congestive heart failure. Arginine supplements are available over the counter .* Carnitine is potentially useful because the heart uses carnitine to produce energy * CoQ10 may be useful in heart failure. See CoQ10-60mg supplement for more information .* Hawthorn is a vasodilator, increases coronary blood flow, acts as an inotrope (stimulates contraction of the heart), peripheral resistance decreases, and ACE inhibitor-like effect. Hawthorn Berry Herbal daily dosage from 3 to 5 grams or 160-900 mg of extract for a few weeks. Appears to be useful in mild heart failure .* Folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 can help prevent the recurrence of blocked arteries in patients undergoing coronary angioplasty .* fiber psyllium may help reduce cholesterol levels .* minerals , magnesium can help * Ribose can be beneficial for individuals with Congestive heart failure .* Astragalus has been studied in the heart failureI also recommend reading the information here on the use of supplements and nutrition to combat heart failure - Information presented could help us to save your life.An estimated 4.8 million Americans have Congestive heart failure (CHF) ... Half of patients diagnosed with CHF will be dead within 5 years. Each year there are approximately 400,000 new cases.CHF is ... most common diagnosis in hospitalized patients aged 65 years and more. In this age group, one-fifth of all hospitalizations have a primary or secondary diagnosis of Congestive heart failure failure.Congestive is a serious medical condition that you should not try to cure with herbal remedies alone. You can talk to your doctor about incorporating some herbs in the treatment plan and see what they say, but you really need to make sure you follow their advice to a 'T'. You have one heart and a heart transplant is probably not something you want to go through any time soon.